Monday, January 12, 2009

Back into the swing...

It appears that I have neglected my blogging. This is an absolute tragedy considering my life is so very fascinating.

I'm back at school and since I'm almost always bored here the blogging will resume.

Winter break was so short, but I loved every moment of it.

I feel like the only thing I did from the Friday I got home from school until Christmas was shop. I was not really expecting anything for Christmas. I didn't tell my parents to get me anything and they hadn't asked too much (because they are paying for me to go to Europe over spring break and that is WAY more than enough). On Christmas Eve, Sarah and I were shopping at Target and we ran into my dad. He asked to borrow my phone because his was dying. When I got home he claimed to have "lost" my phone. Hahaha. I knew the moment that he asked to borrow my phone that he was going to get me a new one. This is so classic of my dad to try so hard to make surprises special. On Christmas morning he wrapped just the phone and called it, but forgot to turn the ringer on so it didn't ring. Hahaha. I had to act like I didn't know what was going on. He finally just told me which present it was. My mom figured out that my dad had bought the Wii so she bought ROCK BAND. The biggest shocker of Christmas. I nearly dislocated my jaw when it dropped in surprise. Overall, Christmas was so fantastic. Everyone was so excited about the gifts that I had given them and I got to spend lots of time with my friends and family.

New Year's Eve was equally as wonderful. Dillon and I decided to try a German restaurant called The Gast Haus in St. Louis and had a lot of fun. As usual the evening included laughter and sarcasm. We went back to his parents where they were spending their NYE with a few of their friends and played games and snacked all night.

I must confess that I just vegged out and spent hours just doing nothing with friends, but I couldn't have asked for a better break.

Oh, yeah and Sarah and I played Rock Band for 8 hours one day. We kicked Dillon out of the band.


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