Monday, December 22, 2008

Wish list...

I went to Dillon's cousins birthday party on Friday. He turned five and we got him a U of I hoodless sweatshirt. Being the ill-prepared twentysomethings that we are, we "wrapped" it in a plastic bag complete with a paper towel card.

I was playing "stamps" with his 2 year-old sister, Ava, and asked her what she wanted for Christmas. She replied scissors. Apparently, her wish list includes "pink scissors and her own lipstick" (coming from a little girl who has her own tiny 4-wheeler, went through a stage where she would only wear camouflage, and does not allow you to fix her hair unless it is in pigtails and you call her a puppy).

Also, my dad called me this Thursday (he calls me allll the time just to tell me stories or ideas or jokes or that he misses me) to tell me that he got a surprise for the family for Christmas and he wanted to tell me about. I already know everything that I'm getting for Christmas so I thought at least he could keep this from me, but no. He told me he got a Wii for the family and he wanted me to get another controller and other stuff for the family. I was told that I canNOT tell my mother or my brother and that the present is hidden in my room awaiting a wrap job. So pretty much it is like my dad and I are the parents trying to surprise our kids (Dustin and Yoko).

It is going to be great technological advances in the Ross household this year. Denny is getting an iPod touch, Joyce a nice digital camera (because she STILL uses disposable cameras. We got our pictures back from when her and I went on vacation early in the summer and all the pictures were off centered/covered partially by my mom's finger/hardly distinguishable), and the Wii!

I got to see Toni tonight! It was fabulous per usual. We exchanged gifts this year and she started a new tradition of getting me an ornament each year. She kicked off the tradition with a magic 8 ball ornament. I love it! All sources point to yes that this gift rocks! I'm always left missing Toni so much more right after I see her because we don't have to do anything to have so much fun. We spent a few hours wrapping presents for her Aunt Mary and enjoying Leona's cackling. Leona was getting a big kick out of our present wrapping mishaps (i.e. frequent miscalculations of paper length). She also had extreme interest in an oversized bag that Mary bought to wrap a stair basket that Leona just thought was the stupidest looking thing. I love that woman (Toni, Mary, and Leona really). She never ceases to give me a good laugh.

Happy wrapping,
Happy wrapping,

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