Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Exploding apples?

Last night, after having the worst luck with computers these past couple months, my little Toshiba went haywire and was closing down my programs left and right. I scanned, protected, and firewalled every possible thing I could think of......

Then, today while conversing with a girl in my physics class about as assignment I grab my binder out of my backpack only to find a mushy substance on the side.....I look in my backpack and an apple I had left in my backpack had turned into applesauce and looked like it had exploded all over my collegiate loot in my backpack. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat. I cleaned it up.

Only in my life....

Oh, the luck I have with computers.....and apples....

I've had the strongest urge to get out and travel and just expand my horizons. Anything seems appealing to me. I'm an equal opportunity tourist I suppose. I went to Europe when I was 16 with my family and I curse myself everyday that I didn't absorb everything I possibly could and learn so much more from the experience. I remember a lot of things, but there are so many things that I wish I still vividly remember.
Things that I do remember:
-Buying a Swatch in Switzerland while shopping with Joycie.
-Feeding the pigeons in St. Mark's Square, Venice!
-Being scared out of my mind being the backseat while my dad cursed his way through round-a-bouts on the opposite side of the road in Wales.
-Eating a Belgian waffle in Belgium.
-Having pastries in Monmarte in Paris.
-Taking a dinner boat tour at night in Paris and seeing the Eiffel Tour lit up.
-Watching beautiful bluffs appear in France as we rode in on the English Channel by ferry.
-Drinking complimentary champagne in Rome at dinner.
-Riding in the back of a taxi while the driver drove past the Vatican at night on what felt like 2 wheels.

Just a little something to make me feel a little more unique on a dreary day.
Hope you enjoy,

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