Wednesday, December 3, 2008

For Toni....

How exciting this day first blog.

I told Toni I would start a blog just because she can't get enough of my antics...hahaha...and we are the very worst at playing phonetag. It's sick.

You're probably wondering why? I guess I shall reveal the tale.

Ok, first you must imagine me as a sixth grader. A horribly awkward sixth grader. Furry eyebrows. All bones. Horrible application of Wet 'n Wild glittery make-up. Probably wearing a Limited Too shirt and Jnco's (ok, I never really owned a pair, but Jnco's are so sixth grade to me).
My, my how this story has gone off on a length tangent...back to the story.
The entire sixth grade did a big unit on the Middle Ages, Medieval culture, history, whatever. As part of the unit we all created a coat of arms. The coat of arms contained 4 sections with things that we liked along with a name describing yourself. Most of the girls in the class had names such as Lady of the Mall, Lady Shops A Lot, Lady of the Phone...pretty generic pre-pubescent activities...with the popular theme of male names being Lord of the N64, Sir Hoops A Lot, Lord of Sports, Lord of the [DARE] Dance. For the normal sixth graders they put things like their friends, tv, phone, shopping, sports in the 4 sections of likes. Vanessa (AKA the coolest sixth grader) included her dog and books in two of the sections with piano keys lining the outside. You're probably wondering what my name was....
yeah....It was Lady of the Library.

Now, that I am 22 not much has changed. I'm the biggest dork you could imagine with likes including reading, and knowledge. However, I've come a long way from cheap makeup and horrible wardrobe decisions.

I will say though that I AM still Lady of the Library. I have two jobs within the library including the periodicals desk and mending (yes, contact me for all of your book mending needs). And up until this week I did not have a computer so on most nights I was in the library to nearly close to do homework. Oh, my's so fascinating.

Well, enjoy yourselves.

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