Friday, December 12, 2008

'Tis the season....

My dad called me on Sunday asking me for a favor. I figured it was one of his typically unusual requests (e.g. helping him open an eBay store, researching good luck charms on the internet, talking my mom into incorporating good luck cat eyes into her wardrobe). He had found a beagle on our front lawn and wanted me to help him find a home for this lost puppy. Apparently the poor little dog had been freezing in our front yard and nearly got hit by a car a few times so my dad brought it into our garage and turned on a space heater in front of a doggie bed for him to warm up on (the dog, not my dad). I really didn't put a lot of effort into the search because it was my plan for my parents to just keep the dog. I put up a pretty good case.
1. It's cold hearted not to keep it (I told my mom this and she was none too pleased).
2. Loki needs another dog to keep her in line.
3. Loki was still a good dog when Vanna was alive.
4. It is not just coincidence that this dog landed on our lawn 2 days before the 2 year anniversary of my grandfather's (dad's dad) death. My Bachan(Japanese grandma) was Buddhist and I just figured it was her work.

Well, that little plan did not work, but my parents found a great home for this lost dog! Cliff is a guy that works at my uncle's car wash and he has a little 4 year old boy. He's been wanting to get a dog, but hasn't had the money or time. Since funds are low for Cliff, my parents are giving him the puppy with a doggie starter kit (first vet visit, book on beagles, food, collar, leash). They are such good people and they are making a family very happy this holiday season. Go Denny and Yoko.

Finals on Monday....siiiiick. Three on Monday. Online final Tuesday-ish. One of Wednesday.

Happy Finals fellow undergrads,

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