Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oh, Grandma.

I got a card in the mail yesterday from my beloved Grandma Edith. She is seriously a complete doll. She is one of those neat grandmas that does special stuff for her grandkids. For example, when I was in elementary school she planned a tea party for me and my friends. She made little finger sandwiches and decorated her patio for us to enjoy our lunch. Our birthdays are only a couple days apart so we always celebrate them together. A couple years ago she had me over for lunch and she had this spread of all my absolute favorites. She is just an absolute doll.

Anyway, tucked in the card was a little note on lined paper. This is what it said:

We didn't get together this year. I missed that. maybe we can get together when you get home. Give me a call. Didn't get to talk to you much Christmas. Everyone was having a good time. I loved it. I am so proud of all my family.
Come see me.

That little note just melts me. I am so blessed with such a sweet and loving family.

Enjoy your Hump Day,

P.S. This is also the grandma that bought a cake and had the bakery write "Merry Christmas Jesus" on it for Christmas. I just love her.


Lynsey T said...

Hey turd face! I found your blog! AHH! I love it...Lady of the Library suits you well. Hope you're doing good. Miss you lots!

PS. That was a rad tea party! Didn't she make that punch with sherbert and sprite and serve it in cute little tea cups?

EB said...

I too got a card from my grandma yesterday, just a short note to say she felt bad that I lost my camera on new years and how now I know living in chicago that the north is "colder than a witches tit"

.... I kid you not.
I love my grandma.