Monday, January 26, 2009


Dear 23 year old quarter life crisis Nessy,

As I inch closer to the end of my belated college graduation (inching ever so slightly), I begin to freak out even more about the whole grown-up charade.

I've grown up so much in the years since college and it scares me half to death. It's even scarier how well aware I am of my maturation. They say that college are the best years of your life and as much fun I've had the last 4 years, I refuse to believe that this is as good as it gets.

I'm getting older and I constantly worry about money, bills, and working enough. Even though I couldn't be happier with my major switch (as delayed as it was), I sometimes question myself if I'm positive. Beyond my major, I worry if I'll be any good molding young minds when I do get a job. I want to experience so much in my life and I'm scared I won't do it when I have the chance. I'm saddened by the people who I thought I'd know so well forever who are hardly part of life.

As depressing as all of those thoughts and revelations are I realize it'll make me appreciate life to come even more. Sure I realize I won't be a millionaire as a teacher, but I know I won't be struggling. I may question my major switch now, but the bursting excitement I feel when talking about children's literature or educational tools is enough to assure me this is so right. I try to set aside an thoughts of possible failure as a teacher because I'll be just fine. People have been telling me I should be teaching from the day I learned how to play "school." Even though I've seen people drift away from my life, I am eternally grateful for those people I still call my best friends and know that they'll be around forever.

Growing older if tough, but I'll be fine. I needn't worry. Head up, young person.


1 comment:

EB said...

So i was kinda depressed for a while about being "grown up" but now that I've made some friends and this weekend consisted of dance party at 5 am and day drinking the next day.... my life is not over! haha I think you should move to 'cago and become a teach here. Did I mention my sister and I are going to write a (creepy) childrens book and I'm going to illustrate it...someday :)