Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Late night entertainment...

I canNOT fall asleep for anything. For me, being up late usually leads to infomercial viewing. Oh, my favorite.

I say I hate infomercials, but I get sucked into them within the first 2 minutes. I am completely, 100% amused at the creative ways in which the geniuses in the ad department figure out how to make the alternate to their product as awkward and infuriating as possible. Sure, if you are trying to cut a tomato with a dull butter knife there's going to be problems. The Miracle Blade is not going to solve all your problems.
My favorite would have to be the Magic Bullet. The temptation is so intense to purchase it every time I view the infomercial. I'm convinced that a party is not a party without the blended masterpieces created from the Magic Bullet. Oh and that's not all...not only is it good for tasty party drinks, but you guessed it...it'll whip up a hangover remedy just as grand. With such dialogue as "Whoa John [not sure that's the name used, but it fits] you're looking like you had too many cocktails by the pool last night. How about a smoothie for breakfast?" I cannot help, but love the magic that is the Magic Bullet.

My least favorite....Ped egg. Oh, wow. An infomercial showing me how easy it is to deposit of skin shavings from my feet into a trash can with no liner...um...no thanks.

Maybe, I'll try to go to bed?


cait the great said...

it's interesting that your only option other than watching infomercials at 9:47 pm on a Tuesday is going to sleep, oh lady of the library (WHERE MILLIONS OF BOOKS ARE ATTAINABLE AT YOUR EVERY WHIM).

pee ess- i lava the bloga.

Unknown said...


I feel the same way about ped egg. however, it might be a cleaner alternative to my typical pedicure remedies - i.e. hacking at my foot with a scissors.

your thoughts.

theotherV said...

V, did you forget...i own the magic, and you once drank from its whimsical inerds