Sunday, May 3, 2009

The latest things on my mind have been:
1.) I need to find and buy rain boots and a big obnoxious cane-like umbrella.
2.) Lindsay is having a celebrity themed birthday bash and I need to figure out how and who I'm going to be. Any suggestions?
3.) I need to fit running into my schedule. I used to love running nearly every day. Ok, yeah...I'm working this into my schedule.
4.) I want to frequent garage sales this summer.

Oh, the depth of my thoughts.

Sarah and I watched a whole mess of movies last night. We watched Jack. Robin Williams. Unusual aging disorder. We googled pre-mature aging disorders and the results did not yield images of gracefully aging 10 year olds who looked like hairy comedians.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Oh, happy day.

I have been thrilled by the simpliest of life's pleasures lately. I will do this things and think to myself, "man, I love this a lot. Why don't I do it more often?" and then other things that I do often, but don't love it any less. Wanna know? Ok, just don't tell anyone world wide web.

1. Writing e-mails. I love it. Used to do it often. Miss doing it. Anyone want to be e-mail buddies? Toni, I need to send you an e-mail.
2. Sleeping in leggings. What is it? It's less than flattering to be seen in a tank top and leggings, but it's my favorite nocturnal attire.
3. Having the windows open in my apartment. Maybe it's because my mother keeps our house as cold as a walk-in freezer and never allowed us to open the windows (think "Do you think I'm cooling down the whole neighborhood?" sealed house compulsion). My windows have been open for a week and half and it makes me smile everytime I step foot into my apartment.
4. Salt water taffy. Way underrated.
5. Humidity. Ok, most people hate it. However, rain + humidity=my favorite.
6. Online shopping. Well, mostly browsing. Keeps me entertained forever.
7. Guacamole. Avocados in general. Ole.
8. Having pillow talk with Dillon. Who doesn't like chatting and giggling with their best friend?

Ok, well I'm just going to sit in my apartment with the windows open eating guacamole and writing an e-mail wearing leggings.