Thursday, April 30, 2009

Anyone for a nap?

Eyelids=droopy and stubborn
I'm fighting the force to crawl back into bed and snooze through this glorious rain storm with the window open. Oh, word.
Fighting the urge with blogging.
This will become a regular thing...blogging. Kind of fun?
Did I ever mention that Toni Oberto is a gosh darn genius?
Yeah, I went there.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oh, wow.

Well, dear's been awhile. I cannot understand why I decide to blog at the times when I am the most busy. This semester has decided to take a turn for ugly and suck the life right outta me...

I really do not have anything blog-worthy to contribute to the world wide web, but I just feel like typing I suppose. Typing. Typing. Typing. Typing.

There is something that I have recently recognized. Sarah has been talking about getting a kitten. Ok, I don't like cats, but everyone likes kittens right? Wrong. We went to the Humane Society and in a room full of kittens all I wanted to do was run. I tried holding one. I didn't like it. I tried playing with one, but it was only satisfactory because I was teasing the sack of fur. Show me a picture of a liter of kittens in a basket surrounded by flowers and I'm not getting anything out of it. Not a tongue click, not an aww. My heart is missing that feline attraction part. Sorry bout cha.

Oh, yeah and have I ever mentioned I've never had a PB&J (a bite...once.....a week ago). Talk amongst yourselves.