Sunday, May 3, 2009

The latest things on my mind have been:
1.) I need to find and buy rain boots and a big obnoxious cane-like umbrella.
2.) Lindsay is having a celebrity themed birthday bash and I need to figure out how and who I'm going to be. Any suggestions?
3.) I need to fit running into my schedule. I used to love running nearly every day. Ok, yeah...I'm working this into my schedule.
4.) I want to frequent garage sales this summer.

Oh, the depth of my thoughts.

Sarah and I watched a whole mess of movies last night. We watched Jack. Robin Williams. Unusual aging disorder. We googled pre-mature aging disorders and the results did not yield images of gracefully aging 10 year olds who looked like hairy comedians.


EB said...

Possible Celebs:
Liza Minelli,
Baby Surri
Sam Ronson
(speaking of lesbians) Ellen Degeneres (only if you got that wig we saw once that was like "blonde surfer boy"

gosh I'll try to think of some good ones today...

Unknown said...

garage sales? i can't wait to find more hand crafted tote backs stuffed with heart felt love letters.

watch out montclaire, move over esic, Nestle Ross and Torri Oberto are hitting the streets for some bargain buys!

we should also frequent some MN sales. I bet the geometric ski sweaters and bowls carved out of walnuts will be plentiful!