Monday, February 2, 2009

Luck of the Japanese...

I went home this weekend for my family's annual Japanese dinner. My mom and I prepared for it all day on Saturday. Apparently, Saki bombs are a new addition to the tradition. Dustin was the Saki bomb fairy and poured them every 10 minutes I would say. This was the first time that Dillon attended. I was a little worried because he isn't too adventurous when it comes to Asian cuisine, but he said he liked all of it. I helped a little with everything, but this year I did all of the sushi on my own (at least 10 rolls!).

Last week I had talked to my Grandma on the phone and she was talking about how excited she was to see me when I came into town. She also mentioned something about my numbers coming up in the lottery and Josie (her friend) having something for me. My parents and I went out to lunch with both of them at Olive Garden on Sunday. Before we even got our drinks, Josie handed me a Godiva chocolates box. She said, "It's not much...just a little something for you." I opened the box to find an envelope that said "Miss Vanessa." I pulled the envelope out of the box and it had all of the cash that Josie had won playing my birthday numbers in the Pick 3! $500! I was speechless. I've never been able to figure Josie out and then she does something like this that surprises me even more! She said that they say if you do something nice for someone it will come back to you.

I was so sad coming back to school this weekend. I forgot how much I miss hanging out with my parents. We had so much fun hanging out all weekend.

Stay warm out there,

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