Friday, February 6, 2009


Thank goodness it is Friday (even though I didn't have too rough of a week). I took a mental health day on Tuesday and skipped my class to go hang out with Dillon. We were talking on gchat about how hungry we were and I told him we should go to lunch. He asked if I was crazy, I said of course and then I left to pick him up. Haha. We went out to lunch and took a nice long nap. Pretty much a perfect Tuesday.

My parents are coming up to Charleston tomorrow for the day. I'm finally getting a bed frame for my bed and Denny is going to hang some pictures and shelves that I got recently. My apartment is finally starting to come together. I mean, I've only been living here for a semester. I have some other stuff coming in the mail that I ordered so I'm anxious to add them to my new and improved apartment. It is currently the bare minimum. I'm talking bare, bare. The entire western wall of my apartment is wood paneling....sick. I don't have a chair, only a couch which means no kitchen table. That's what my coffee table is for! And forget about central heat or air. Dishwasher, well, that's just a luxury that I don't have the pleasure of enjoying. Oh, yeah and the little heater in my room overheats and shuts off in the middle of the night so I don't even bother with it. I just bundle up and I've actually gotten used to it. I'm pretty much just excited to add some flair to the a-p-t.

Happy weekend,

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